Aguri DX20 Speed Trap Database Update

Aguri DX20 speed trap database updater and  software updates.

How do I update the speed trap database on my Aguri DX20 dash cam?

Once you have downloaded the latest speed trap database to your PC and unzipped the folder, remove the SD card from the DX20 and insert in to your computer using a suitable SD card reader. Next open the SD card so you can see the files already on it and then ‘drag’ or ‘copy and paste’ the new DX20 software updater files from your PC on to the SD card.

Please note that the speed trap database file found within the ‘zipped’ folder should be entitled  ‘edogdata.dat’. It is important that you only transfer the ‘edogdata.dat’ file to the SD card and not the ‘zipped’ folder or the update will not work.

Once you have copied the file to the SD card, safely remove the SD card from your computer and re-insert it in to your DX20.

Power on the unit which will display the message ‘Edog data update’ together with a ‘tick’ and a ‘cross’. Use the up or down buttons to highlight the ‘tick’ and press the OK button to start the update. The DX20 will then automatically update whilst the screen keeps you up-to-date with it’s progress.

Once the update is complete the unit will re-start and will be ready to use again.

